Grace – God does not treat us as our actions deserve. Instead, He has chosen to be gracious to us by loving and accepting us wherever we are in life. At Tri-Cities Church, we strive to show God-like grace to all people instead of judging and labeling them. (Ephesians 2:4-9)

It is okay to not be okay, but it is not okay to stay that way. At Tri-Cities Church, we believe that it is impossible to believe the Gospel and not be changed by it. We want everyone to hear and believe the Gospel!  Therefore, we are committed to creating an environment where transformation is encouraged and supported.


As human beings we have a tendency to complicate things. Sometimes in the church, we can have so many programs that we get distracted from God’s mission. At Tri-Cities Church, we do not believe that the church needs to be complicated and messy. Instead, we practice intentionality as a way of keeping our focus on God’s mission (Acts 2:42)


There are no perfect people. We are all strugglers in need of God’s grace. At Tri-Cities Church, we do not pretend to be something that we are not; we strive to be authentic with one another. The truth is, we are a community of real flawed people committed to walking with one another toward holiness. (Matthew 6:1-4; 1 John 1:8)


God is generous. The scriptures teach that God’s generosity is seen in His daily provision for his creation. Apart from God’s generosity, the world would cease to exist. At Tri-Cities Church, we believe that God created all human beings for generosity. Therefore, we encourage people to move toward deeper levels of generosity. (II Corinthians 9:7; I Timothy 6:17-19)


Diversity is not just a concept that we value, but it is what we are. It is reflected in our leadership, at our weekly gatherings, in our expressions of worship, and in our community. At Tri-Cities Church, we believe that God is honored when we embrace and celebrate the diversity found in our community. (Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 2:14; 3:6)